Surprise Announcement!

Sometimes the most beautiful souls are the most broken. Protect. From the minute I met her, I wanted to offer my protection. Desire. I wanted her to be mine but didn’t have anything of value to offer. Just my jaded heart, broken soul, and undying love. Sacrifice. I gave up my pride, my hostility, and my heart to make her…

Celebrate the holidays Lost Kings MC style!

I've wanted to write another collection of holiday-themed short stories since Three Kings, One Night, and just haven't been able to make it happen. After back-to-back releases of Beyond Reckless and Beyond Reason, I was exhausted and I swore I'd take some time off. Of course, that didn't happen, but I did start working on a few holiday stories and…

Teller might be the swooniest King yet.

Whoa! Did I really just say that Teller might be the swooniest Lost King yet? Yup, I did! Every time I re-read it, I totally fall in love with him and I think you will too! I have some exciting news! Teller's story was so long and involved, it needs two books! Beyond Reckless will release on September 18th as planned…

Take a Risk or Lose the Chance

Bullets and Bonfires is live! When I came up with the tagline for Bullets and Bonfires, I didn't consider how appropriate it was for this book. Not just for the characters, who have a lot of things holding them back from admitting how they feel about each other, but for me personally. I haven't released anything outside of the Lost…

A Wild Two Weeks!

I knew May was going to be a crazy month for me. It's half over and I'm still stuck in April! First, I attended the RT Booklover's Convention in Atlanta. That was a crazy, exhausting, fun week full of learning new stuff, meeting new people, and reconnecting with awesome people I've met before but rarely get to see. I even…

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