My Sexy Saturday - 10 Days until Slow Burn (Lost Kings MC, Book 1) releases!
I haven't done My Sexy Saturday in a long time now! With the release of Slow Burn (Lost Kings MC, Book 1) only 10 days away, I thought I should jump back in! So, hello and thanks for joining me for this week's installment of My Sexy Saturday, where participants post 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs of sexiness.…
I've Been Writing
I haven't posted in awhile and it's because I've been furiously working on...a number of things actually. Mostly I have been focusing on an Erotic Biker Romance that I am super excited about. It will be a series, with the first book coming out October 14, 2014. It's a little unconventional, so I'm planning to self-publish. So far it's got…